Saturday, August 8, 2009

o___o today... started with a tough wake up
I woke up at 11am and found out I have rehearsal for this charity thing at Chaithu's at 11am. I left my cello at Keshav's so I went there first. I brought along two ukuleles and Keshav's dad drove us (me and Keshav) over to Chaithu's. We did the usual "Viva la Vida" and "You'll be in my heart", no "Explosive". I ate a delicious lunch of this vegetarian dish composed of a bunch of veggies in a think and spicy sauce that was eaten with bread. I headed home and talked to Wendy bout biking and stuff. I decided to meet her at the library. I asked Freddie to come and he did. Yeah...biking... was all good until I kept dragging and got really tired. It was phun in the library I guess seatching random things on this mathematical calculater Freddie uses online o.o and searching "the answer to life and the universe + number of horns on a unicorn" o.o. Pshh well yeah we played this random card game Wendy taught us (Ben was there too o.o). It was phun and we were off...but first Freddie's bike had some problems ._. (chain came off >.>) yeah...I rode his bike and found it like 10x easier to bike on his bike than my bike (same with Ben's). I just realized my bike had no air...LITERALLY >.> pshh then we were off...
Fatigue stuck me after a few miles. My heartbeat raced past 200 and I felt horrible. Sweat was seen everywhere in my body. I inched my way until we finally got to "Mercer County Park" I colapsed on the ground when I arrived there. I breathed like I just sprinted a mile. It broke my heart to find that there was still a mile to go till the marina...I hesitated as I inched my way AGAIN toward the final destination. Finally...we got there...I popped a few bottles and Ben, Freddie, Wendy, and I talked bout what to do. Wendy wanted to run ._. but...I was in sandals for some stupid reason. I wanted to go on the paddle boats :3 but everybody else was like >:O NO KEVIN. Wendy got a call she had to go to church and asked if we would like to come. Freddie kept coughing...until a little blood came out >.> we decided to bike home. I killed my body and slaughtered it until I switched bikes with Ben. I paddled lightly on his bike but I went so much faster than before. When I switched bikes with Ben...his heartrate was skyrocketed and he was more than happy to have his bike back. We were heading toward McDonalds but then I met up with my mom and colapsed...I crawled my way to highschool north with extreme tiredness ._. My dad picked me up and I came back and feasted on chicken, rice, ramen, and shrimp scampi :)
Before I ate and before I went to the BR to empty my load I lost 2pounds from yesterday morning...o__o thats saying something...
Pshh...well I'm done typing :) hf reading ;P sry if its confusing again :\

1 comment:

  1. ...
    ok ._. ...
    -akward turtle...-
    that last part might have been a bit unnecessary o.O
