Monday, August 10, 2009

Todayness o.o

Uh...I'll just blog about my day i guess...
Today was phun I guess :3

***Important Info b4 reading >:O***
I originally suppose to meet Wendy on the Lenape Trail to go running after X-Country practice o.o (then meet Eddie and the CMS fields) but Jerrick wanted to go fishing at 9am ._. but I didn't wake up in time T___T

***doneness o.o***

I woke up at 9am...from Jerrick's call o__o Luckily I slept with my phone pretty close to me and it didn't run outta battery.
I woke up, put some random clothes on and I was off fishing with Jerrick xD
I was drove by Jerricks mom to the Lenape and we fished around the bridge. In no time Jerrick got a fish...literally no time took him like a few sec till he got a fish xD. It was pretty big too o.o. Pshh we caught a few more fish with some frustration of my bait (which kept getting stolen by the ever so smart fishies). Wendy trotted along with her running phailage (according to her o.o). She was like -sweatness- IM SWEATING SO MUCH AHH ITS IN MY EYE. Jerrick and I were like NAH UR NOT SWEATING. Yeah...we fished and met up with Michelle. Then uhh Wendy and I went to get Eddie at CMS. I ran, she biked. I got a bit tired but pshh w/e. We passed random people on a waterslide o.o. Then we thought Eddie wasn't here so we were about to leave until the xcountry coach yelled my name and introduced himself and stuff o.o Then yeah...talked to him bout joining, he said the forms were in HSN so I ran again with Wendy (Eddie just went home to get his bike cuz it was too hot to run today (like mid 90s the whole day). We finally got to the door and we went in and went to the nurses office...and was locked >.> yeah and there was a sign all registration forms are posted online...wendy was like T____T ugh and yeah we got some water and went back to meet jerrick o.o We told him we were gonna meet Eddie (who was gonna meet us at my house) So...-1mile later in the scorching heat- house, ate breakfast at 11 , talked to wendy bout uhh i forgot but i awkward turtled a lot ._. Yeah...eddie came and it was xDDD omg voice recorder...and it could play back everything backwards xD. We had phun with that, called Viola over gtalk and yeah she was like "wtf ROFLCOPTER". Yeah...we biked back to the lenape searching for Jerrick, then we got a call he was at my house but then it was too late, so we went back to my house and yeah (OMG RUN ON SENTENCE -GASP-) yeah...lots of biking in the sun...We "hung out" for a while then went to subway for lunch. We talked bout running there and stuff, then Jerrick met us then we talked bout beating people up who were gonna steal our bikes (hypothetically tho o.o). Pshh...yeah...azn food market and we biked back (eddie left tho >:O)

-waits for wendy cuz her left gear is stuck on 1 xD-

Jerrick and I were talking bout fishing (which he is OBSESSED WITH ever since he went fishing my MY equipment o.o)

Wendy came and we went back to my house and "chilled" (literally the AC was so refreshing) there.
Jerrick went back to the lenape...CAME BACK WITH A LITTLE FISHY FOR ME >.> (man he wasn't kidding when he said that...)
Wendy was like "eek"
I was like "OMG LETS PLAY WITH IT...uhh this is prob illigal too T___T"
We did random things on FB and yeah...played the word game (17k) (jerrick got somewhere in (10kish) Wendy kept getting 3ks and 2ks xD. pshh...yeah...


"eeek" ._. AGAIN o.o
Then Jerrick was like -grabs fish-
-throws in bucket-


Wendy: "eeek" ._.
Jerrick: -_____- -grabs-
Me: ._. lets cover the bucket

We played some more and freddie came when jerrick left o.o
We biked to freddies house and he gave wendy a squishy pencil too T.T (no more specialness for my squishy pencil) yeah...packed the wii and went back to my house
We played wii and stuff and it was o.o
Wendy left after we ended our days with ramen
Freddie stayed and played Maple with me xD
We did random jump quests (which according to freddie was the only thing bout maplestory that was worth it o.o) was phun
yeah...randomly did stuff and he went home :\

So yeah...did some chores and stuff...gonna practice cello and piano soon...
yeah...o.o day
Oh yeah...doing xcountry from now more frisbee
(scotts gonna kill me T___T)

FISHY <333>
gonna let u out tomorrow to meet ur friends...hope i cya in the future buddy :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

o___o today... started with a tough wake up
I woke up at 11am and found out I have rehearsal for this charity thing at Chaithu's at 11am. I left my cello at Keshav's so I went there first. I brought along two ukuleles and Keshav's dad drove us (me and Keshav) over to Chaithu's. We did the usual "Viva la Vida" and "You'll be in my heart", no "Explosive". I ate a delicious lunch of this vegetarian dish composed of a bunch of veggies in a think and spicy sauce that was eaten with bread. I headed home and talked to Wendy bout biking and stuff. I decided to meet her at the library. I asked Freddie to come and he did. Yeah...biking... was all good until I kept dragging and got really tired. It was phun in the library I guess seatching random things on this mathematical calculater Freddie uses online o.o and searching "the answer to life and the universe + number of horns on a unicorn" o.o. Pshh well yeah we played this random card game Wendy taught us (Ben was there too o.o). It was phun and we were off...but first Freddie's bike had some problems ._. (chain came off >.>) yeah...I rode his bike and found it like 10x easier to bike on his bike than my bike (same with Ben's). I just realized my bike had no air...LITERALLY >.> pshh then we were off...
Fatigue stuck me after a few miles. My heartbeat raced past 200 and I felt horrible. Sweat was seen everywhere in my body. I inched my way until we finally got to "Mercer County Park" I colapsed on the ground when I arrived there. I breathed like I just sprinted a mile. It broke my heart to find that there was still a mile to go till the marina...I hesitated as I inched my way AGAIN toward the final destination. Finally...we got there...I popped a few bottles and Ben, Freddie, Wendy, and I talked bout what to do. Wendy wanted to run ._. but...I was in sandals for some stupid reason. I wanted to go on the paddle boats :3 but everybody else was like >:O NO KEVIN. Wendy got a call she had to go to church and asked if we would like to come. Freddie kept coughing...until a little blood came out >.> we decided to bike home. I killed my body and slaughtered it until I switched bikes with Ben. I paddled lightly on his bike but I went so much faster than before. When I switched bikes with Ben...his heartrate was skyrocketed and he was more than happy to have his bike back. We were heading toward McDonalds but then I met up with my mom and colapsed...I crawled my way to highschool north with extreme tiredness ._. My dad picked me up and I came back and feasted on chicken, rice, ramen, and shrimp scampi :)
Before I ate and before I went to the BR to empty my load I lost 2pounds from yesterday morning...o__o thats saying something...
Pshh...well I'm done typing :) hf reading ;P sry if its confusing again :\
ps. new design thingy o.o (DUN U DARE AWKWARD TURTLE ME) but lets go in order from yesterday :)
w00t the tab button works :)
Screw the tab button I'm over with that stuff D:
(back to tab) So...I started the day late when Viola and Jerrick woke up at the same 10:30am time I did. My sister wanted to go to the library but w/e. We chatted till we had to go and Jerrick decided he was really bored so he biked to my house at 2:30pm. I didn't know he was coming so I screwed going to the library with my sister and went biking with Freddie and Jerrick. We went out for some sodas at the azn food market and it was phun xD. We biked back and it was about 4:40pm apon our arival. We spiked our apple sodas with "extra strength 5hr energy" and it was pretty good o.o. Then...I remembered I had to go to the concert and Chaithu called a few hours ago about it O_O. I called him and he said it was at 5pm and I was like "phew" o.o. He picked me up at 5:20 when Jerrick and Freddie went fishing (cuz we were discussing the fishing matters when we were biking). Then...we were off, but first we stopped at al john's for pizza and to meet up with everybody else (just Chaithu's sisters' friends ._.). -awkward turtle- And we were off...
So...the concert was this band called "Incubus". It was this rockish band I never heard of o.o. The car ride was 45min ._. We waited another 45min. Then we walked half a mile to the concert. At the gate we found out we couldn't bring chairs T___T but oh well. We went we got deeper and deeper...the heavy smell of tobacco smoke crescendoed to what seemed like a gas chamber. We sat down on the dirty downslanted lawn far away from the stage. The concert started...and I ears are still damaged from that concert. As the night grew darker...the people got drunker...and drunker...and drunker...There was a smog circling was all pot and tobacco smoke...ugh I hated that so much...I didn't know what the singers were saying though the audio was so loud it shook my body on every note. Ugh...first concert was >.> Well at least it was phunny watching drunk people greet me o.o. And drunk girls kept yelling "SCIENCE" I was like "BIO HONORS W00T ROCK ON BIO HONORS" o.o. Well the concert ended and we got free chips :).
I went home, chatted till everybody went offline, youtubed till jungsoo appeared at 3:45am and chatted to me for a while bout how he was gaming all night ._. I went back to youtubing and slept at 5am (too early for sunrise :\). must be the 5hr energy or something ._....but that wasn't 5hrs >_> pshh...well imma write about today in another post

Sorry guys if this is confusing to read :\

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ps. added an about me thingy ._.
If you guys are wondering why I put myself as "MotionFTW" its cuz of all the things I do require motion...AND its phun moving around. Also, running, biking, frisbee, and swimming require lots of motion. And due to the love of the word "FTW" ("fudge the what" if you guys are wondering) I motion for FTW :D. has lots of motion too o.o...its kinda hard to explain in the public so I'll keep it in my complex brain ;P

Lol...Veerin you started a trend xD o.o Viola made one and Chris is following me w00t. o.o zeros dont work T___T ahh...oh well

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I have started this blog due to Veerin telling me to ._.
I dunno if this is gonna catch on or not or if anything is gonna be posted...
Will this blog just turn into a empty webpage...
Will my time making this website be time to burn?
AHHH IDK WHAT TO TYPE sry veerin :\